//Using array_unique function
function removeDuplicate_1($nums){
return array_unique($nums);
function removeDuplicates_2($nums){
foreach ($nums as $num){
if (!in_array($num,$result)){
return $result;
//moving zeros to the enda and remainig orders of remaining elements
function moveZeroes(&$nums) {
$count = count($nums); //counting array elements
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
//counting loops while situated in array
if ($nums[$i] == 0) {
//checking if number is 0
unset($nums[$i]); //unsetting this number and moving to the end
$nums[] = 0;
$array = [0, 1, 0, 3, 12];
var_dump(isOrthogonal([1, 2], [2, -1]))."\n";
var_dump(isOrthogonal([3, -1], [7, 5]))."\n";
var_dump(isOrthogonal([1, 2, 0], [2, -1, 10]))."\n";
function isOrthogonal($arr1, $arr2) {
$prod = 0;
$count = count($arr1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$prod += $arr1[$i]*$arr2[$i];
return $prod == 0? true:false;
//JS solution:
function isOrthogonal(ar1, arr2){
let prod=0;
let count=arr1.length;
for (i=0; i<count; i++){
return prod==0? true; false;
echo discount(5000, 35)."\n";
echo discount(2000, 50)."\n";
echo discount(1070, 10)."\n";
echo discount(670, 3)."\n";
function discount($price, $discount){
return $price-$price/100*$discount;
echo bcsqrt('2', 4)."\n"; //1.4142
echo $return."\n";//კვ.ფესვი 9
echo bcsub($a,$b)."\n";
echo bcsub($a,$b, 6)."\n";
echo romanToInt('III')."\n";
echo romanToInt('LVIII')."\n";
echo romanToInt('MCMXCIV')."\n";
Symbol Value
I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000
// Converts the roman numeral to an integer
function romanToInt($roman) {
$res = $next = 0;
// Letters with their value
$numbers = ['I'=>1, 'V'=>5, 'X'=>10, 'L'=>50, 'C'=>100, 'D'=>500, 'M'=>1000];
$len = strlen($roman);
// Loops through letters
for ($i = $len-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$num = $numbers[$roman[$i]];
// Subtracts if the left side letter is less
if ($num < $next) {
$res -= $num;
} else {
$res += $num;
$next = $num;
return $res;
//Using array_count_values
function containsDuplicate($array){
return max($counted)>1;
//Using foreach loop
function containsDuplicate_2($array){
foreach ($array as $item){
if (array_count_values($array)>1){
return true;
return false;
//both works well !!<?php
echo strangeCounter(4)."\n";
echo strangeCounter(10)."\n";
echo strangeCounter(21)."\n";
function strangeCounter($t){
// Loops until $scnt is less than $t+2
while ($t+2>=$scnt){
// The sum of the number pairs inside the block is
// always the same. The sum is less by 2 than 2*$scnt
return $scnt-$t-2;
var_dump(water("435f")); //result - true
var_dump(water("2c")); //result - false
function water ( $temp ) {
$x = [ 'c'>=100, 'f'>=212 ];
$y = substr ( $temp, -1 );
$temp = substr_replace ( $temp, " ", -1 );
$z = $temp >= $x[$y];
return $z;