// Example #1 eval()
$string = 'cup';
$string2= 'coffee';
$str = 'This is a $string with $string2 in it.';
echo $str. "\n"; // outputs: This is a $string with $string2 in it.
eval("\$str = \"$str\";");
echo $str. "\n"; // outputs: This is a cup with coffee in it.
► Let's make another simple example for better understanding.
Put a mathematical operation in a string. obviously PHP can't solve example
in case of putting it in a string.◄
$operation = "20 - 5";
echo $operation; // outputs 20 - 5
echo eval( $operation. ';' ); // it doesn't show anything.
echo eval( 'echo '. $operation. ';' ); // outputs 15
// or
eval( '$temp = ' .$operation. ';' );
echo $temp; // outputs 15
function isSpecialArray($str) {
$length = strlen($str);
for ($i=1; $i<$length; $i++) {
if ($str[0]="#") {
► // 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
if ((ord($str[$i]) > 64 && ord($str[$i]) < 71) || (ord($str[$i]) > 47 &&
ord($str[$i]) < 58) || (ord($str[$i]) > 96 && ord($str[$i]) < 103)) {
if (strlen($str)==7 && $count==$length){
return true;
return false;
or false
function validateEmail($email) {
if ($email == "") {
return false; "\n";
$reversed = strrev($email);
$position = strpos($email, "@");
if (substr_count($email, "@") == 1 && $position > 0 && ord($email[$position + 1]) > 96
&& ord($email[$position+1])<123 && substr_count($email, ".") > 0
&& strpos($reversed, ".") < strpos($reversed, "@") - 1 && $reversed[0] != ".") {
return true; "\n";
return false; "\n";
echo(validateEmail('')); //false
function gettingmarried($women, $men) {
$count=count($women); //count-counts the number of women.
// '!=' -If not equal.
if ($women != count($men)) {
echo "I don't have all pairs";
//array_combine-Pairs the data of the first element with the second.
return array_combine($women, $men);
print_r(gettingmarried(["elene","mariami"], ["dato", "vano"]));
function space($sentence) {
$sentence= trim($sentence); //trim function-Breaks a sentence after spaces.
//str_contains-Checks if there is a blank in this sentence in this situation.
while (str_contains($sentence, ' ')) {
// str_replace-Replaces the first element with the second element in this sentence.
$sentence= str_replace(' ', ' ',$sentence);
return $sentence;
$sentence " hi i am gvanca";
echo space($sentence);
function isPalindrome($s) {
//s = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
$s= strtolower($s);
$filtered = "";
$len = strlen($s);
for ($i= 0; $i<$len; $i++){
$ascii = ord($s[$i]);
if (($ascii>=97 && $ascii<123) ||
($ascii>47 && $ascii<58)){
return $filtered == strrev($filtered);
$s = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama";
echo isPalindrome($s);
$string = "hello world";
$pattern = "/world/";
echo preg_match($pattern, $string);
// outputs 1
► As usual, we use this function together with Regex (Regular Expression) syntax and we adapt it to the different solutions.
for example, in regular expression "i" means case insensitive check. ◄
therefore if that case would be like that:
$string = "Hello wORLD";
$pattern = "/world/i";
echo preg_match($pattern, $string);
// it would still outputs 1
► Valeri has used this function in a task to check for the only uppercase letters,
only lowercase letters and first uppercase letter in the string via regex. ◄
For example: (via Regex - Regular Expression and preg_match)
(^[A-Z]*$) it means if there are only uppercase letters in a string.
(^[a-z]+$) it means if there are only lowercase letters in a string.
(^[A-Z]{1}[a-z]*$) it means if the first letter is uppercase in a string.
| - it means "Logical or" via regex as well.
function arrayFillKeys($array) {
$array = array_fill_keys($array, 'value');
return ($array);
// testing print_r outputs: ( [0] => 4, [1] => 3, [2] => 2 )
// The function returns: ( [4] => value, [3] => value, [2] => value )function arrayKeys($array) {
return array_keys($array);
print_r(arrayKeys(["House" => "White", "Car" => "Black"]));
// testing print_r outputs: ( [House] => White, [Car] => Black )
// The function returns: ( [0] => House, [1] => Car )