Sematnical tags
Header: The
tag defines the header of a document or section. Nav: The
tag defines a navigation bar. Section: The
tag defines a section of a document. Article: The
tag defines an independent piece of content, such as a blog post or news article. ** aside:** The
tag defines a sidebar or other secondary content. Footer: The
tag defines the footer of a document or section. figure: The
tag defines a self-contained piece of content, such as an illustration, diagram, photo, code listing, etc. figcaption: The
tag defines a caption for a figure. h1-h6: The
tags define headings of different levels. main: The
tag defines the main content of a document. a: The
tag defines a hyperlink. form: The
tag defines a form. input: The
tag defines an input field. img: The
tag defines an image. blockquote: The
tag defines a quotation. time: The
tag defines a date or time. mark: The
tag defines a highlighted passage of text. b: The
tag defines bold text. strong: The
tag defines strong text. em: The
tag defines emphasized text. code: The
tag defines code snippets. pre: The
tag defines preformatted text.
by Luka Tatarishvili
1 year ago
Pro tip: use ```triple backticks around text``` to write in code fences