➤ The scope of a variable is the part of the script in which the variable can be referenced or used. • A variable declared outside a function has a
global scope
. • A variable declared within a function has a
local scope
, and can only be accessed within that function. For instance:
// global scope
$number = 10;
function print_num() { 
	echo "the number is: $number ";
print_num(); // outputs:  Undefined variable $number
// the $number variable has a global scope, and is not accessible within the print_num() function

function task() {
  $name = "Mads"; // local scope
  echo "Variable name inside function is: $name";
  // outputs:  Variable name inside function is: Mads
// using $name outside the function will generate an error
echo "Variable name outside function is: $name";
// Undefined variable $name
by Levani Makhareishvili
2 years ago
Pro tip: use ```triple backticks around text``` to write in code fences