echo statement CODE
Prints plain text
echo 'plain text'."\n";
Double quotes can parse variables
echo "Double quotes: $text"."\n";
Single quotes can not parse variables
echo 'Single quotes: $text'."\n";
Single quotes as well as double quotes can be concatenated with variables
echo 'Single quotes - '.$text." - Double quotes"."\n";
Text inside Single quotes can include double quotes as part of the text
echo 'The text includes "double" quotes as part of the text'."\n";
Text inside double quotes can include single quotes as part of the text
echo "Jane's surname is Smith"."\n";
echo can be used as a function
echo ('echo as a function')."\n";
echo can print number without quotes
echo 5 . $number;
can take multiple parameters
echo 'one', 'two', 'three', "\n";
We can print multiple lines of text
echo 'Prints text 
    with multiple
by Valeri Tandilashvili
2 years ago
echo / print
Pro tip: use ```triple backticks around text``` to write in code fences