define a route to this controller method
laravel 8
You can define a route to this controller method like so:
use App\Http\Controllers\UserController;

Route::get('/users', [UserController::class, 'index']);
Route::get('/user/{id}', [UserController::class, 'show']);
Resource Controllers
resourceful route to the controller:

use App\Http\Controllers\PhotoController;
Route::resource('photos', PhotoController::class);
laravel  7, 6, 5
You can define a route to this controller method like so:
Route::get('users', 'UserController@index');
   Route::get('user/{id}', 'UserController@show');
Resource Controllers
resourceful route to the controller:
Route::resource('photos', 'PhotoController');
========================================= This single route declaration creates multiple routes to handle a variety of actions on the resource. The generated controller will already have methods stubbed for each of these actions. Remember, you can always get a quick overview of your application's by running the
Artisan command.
Actions Handled By Resource Controller

Verb	URI	Action	Route Name
GET	/photos	index	photos.index
GET	/photos/create	create	photos.create
POST	/photos	store
GET	/photos/{photo}	show
GET	/photos/{photo}/edit	edit	photos.edit
PUT/PATCH	/photos/{photo}	update	photos.update
DELETE	/photos/{photo}	destroy	photos.destroy
by გიორგი ბაკაშვილი
4 years ago
Pro tip: use ```triple backticks around text``` to write in code fences