The password
will be encrypted and then decrypted back with
encryption algorithm.
Encrypts the text using the secret key
sec key
function encrypt_text($text, $secret_key)
return openssl_encrypt($text,"AES-128-ECB", $secret_key);
Decrypts encrypted text (first parameter) using the secret key (second parameter)
function decrypt_text($encrypted_string, $secret_key)
return openssl_decrypt($encrypted_string,"AES-128-ECB", $secret_key);
Calls the above two functions to perform encryption and decryption
// Secret key, that is used to encrypt and decrypt the $text
$secret = 'sec key';
// the text that we want to encryption and decryption
$text = '123';
$password_encrypted = encrypt_text($text, $secret);
$password_decrypted = decrypt_text($password_encrypted, $secret);
echo 'Encrypted text: ' . $password_encrypted . '<br>';
echo 'Decrypted password: ' . $password_decrypted;