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78 Automorphic Numbers Problem Solving Very easy A number n is automorphic if n^2 ends in n. For example: n=5, n^2=25 Create a function that takes a number and returns true if the number is automorphic, false if it isn't. Examples isAutomorphic(5) ➞ true isAutomorphic(8) ➞ false isAutomorphic(76) ➞ true
77 ATM PIN Code Validation Problem Solving Easy ATM machines allow 4 or 6 digit PIN codes and PIN codes cannot contain anything but exactly 4 digits or exactly 6 digits. Your task is to create a function that takes a string and returns true if the PIN is valid and false if it's not. Examples validatePIN("1234") ➞ true validatePIN("12345") ➞ false validatePIN("a234") ➞ false validatePIN("") ➞ false
9 Chat Room Status Problem Solving Very easy Write a function that returns the number of users in a chatroom based on the following rules: If there is no one, return "no one online". If there is 1 person, return "user1 online". If there are 2 people, return "user1 and user2 online". If there are n>2 people, return the first two names and add "and n-2 more online". For example, if there are 5 users, return: "user1, user2 and 3 more online"
1 Remove Every Vowel from a String Problem Solving Very easy Create a function that takes a string and returns a new string with all vowels removed
7 Get the File Extension Problem Solving Easy Write a function that maps files to their extension names. getExtension(["code.html", "code.css"]) ➞ ["html", "css"] getExtension(["project1.jpg", "project1.pdf", "project1.mp3"]) ➞ ["jpg", "pdf", "mp3"] getExtension(["ruby.rb", "cplusplus.cpp", "", "javascript.js"]) ➞ ["rb", "cpp", "py", "js"]
6 Is the Water Boiling? Problem Solving Easy Create a function that determines if the $temp of the water is considered boiling or not. $temp will be measured in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
5 Hamming Distance Problem Solving Easy Hamming distance is the number of characters that differ between two strings
4 Even Odd Partition Problem Solving Easy Write a function that partitions the array into two subarrays: one with all even integers, and the other with all odd integers. Return your result in the following format: [[evens], [odds]]
3 Maximum Edge of a Triangle Problem Solving Very easy Create a function that finds the maximum range of a triangle's third edge, where the side lengths are all integers
2 Area of a Triangle Problem Solving Very easy Write a function that takes the base and height of a triangle and return its area
Results: 180