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107 Body Mass Index calculator Problem Solving Easy Write a program that calculates Body Mass Index based on human's height and weight: Formula: BMI = 20.1 kg/(m*m)
106 Mean, median, and mode Problem Solving Easy Mean, median, and mode Mean, median, and mode are different measures of center in a numerical data set. They each try to summarize a dataset with a single number to represent a "typical" data point from the dataset. Mean: The "average" number; found by adding all data points and dividing by the number of data points. Example: The mean of 444, 111, and 777 is (4+1+7)/3 = 12/3 = 4(4+1+7)/3=12/3=4left parenthesis, 4, plus, 1, plus, 7, right parenthesis, slash, 3, equals, 12, slash, 3, equals, 4. Median: The middle number; found by ordering all data points and picking out the one in the middle (or if there are two middle numbers, taking the mean of those two numbers). Example: The median of 444, 111, and 777 is 444 because when the numbers are put in order (1(1left parenthesis, 1, 444, 7)7)7, right parenthesis, the number 444 is in the middle. Mode: The most frequent number—that is, the number that occurs the highest number of times. Example: The mode of \{4{4left brace, 4, 222, 444, 333, 222, 2\}2}2, right brace is 222 because it occurs three times, which is more than any other number.
105 Loves Me, Loves Me Not... Problem Solving Easy "Loves me, loves me not" is a traditional game in which a person plucks off all the petals of a flower one by one, saying the phrase "Loves me" and "Loves me not" when determining whether the one that they love, loves them back. Given a number of petals, return a string which repeats the phrases "Loves me" and "Loves me not" for every alternating petal, and return the last phrase in all caps. Remember to put a comma and space between phrases. Examples lovesMe(3) ➞ "Loves me, Loves me not, LOVES ME" lovesMe(6) ➞ "Loves me, Loves me not, Loves me, Loves me not, Loves me, LOVES ME NOT" lovesMe(1) ➞ "LOVES ME"
104 String to Phone Number Problem Solving Easy You're able to call numbers like 1-800-flowers which replace the characters with the associated numbers on a cellular device keyboard. Conversion abc = 2 def = 3 ghi = 4 jkl = 5 mno = 6 pqrs = 7 tuv = 8 wxyz = 9 This is your task: Create a function that takes a string as argument. Convert all letters to numbers by using a cellular device keyboard as reference and leave any other characters in. Return a string containing the argument with replaced letters. Examples dial("1-800-HOTLINEBLING") ➞ "1-800-468546325464" dial("abc-def-ghi-jkl!!") ➞ "222-333-444-555!!" dial("adgjmptw :)") ➞ "23456789 :)"
91 Flatten a List Problem Solving Easy Create a function that takes an array. This array can have all kinds of primitives, even other arrays. The function should return a single, flat, one-dimensional, array with all elements. Here are the conditions: If the item is an Array, include each item in it and the following still apply: If the item is a Primitive, include it as is. Examples flattenArray([1, 2, [3, [4, 5], 6], 7, 8]) ➞ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] flattenArray([1]) ➞ [1] flattenArray([]) ➞ []
90 Zygodromes Problem Solving Easy A number is Zygodrome if it can be partitioned into clusters of repeating digits with a length equals or greater than two (as to say that repeating digits need to be placed as an adjacent pair or a greater group, and that no single digits are allowed). Given a non-negative integer num, implement a function that returns true if num is a Zygodrome number, or false otherwise. Examples isZygodrome(11) ➞ true // 11 is a pair of repeated digits isZygodrome(33322) ➞ true // 333 is a triplet of repeated digits, and 22 is a pair isZygodrome(5) ➞ false // 5 is a single digit, it doesn't form a pair isZygodrome(1001) ➞ false // 00 is a pair, but the two 1's are not adjacent
89 Evaluate an Equation Problem Solving Easy Create a function that evaluates an equation. Examples eq("1+2") ➞ 3 eq("6/(9-7)") ➞ 3 eq("3+2-4") ➞ 1
88 Sort an Array by String Length Problem Solving Medium Create a function that takes an array of strings and return an array, sorted from shortest to longest. Examples sortByLength(["Google", "Apple", "Microsoft"]) ➞ ["Apple", "Google", "Microsoft"] sortByLength(["Leonardo", "Michelangelo", "Raphael", "Donatello"]) ➞ ["Raphael", "Leonardo", "Donatello", "Michelangelo"] sortByLength(["Turing", "Einstein", "Jung"]) ➞ ["Jung", "Turing", "Einstein"]
87 Free Throw Probability Problem Solving Easy What's the probability of someone making a certain amount of free throws in a row given their free throw success percentage? If Sally makes 50% of her free shot throws, then Sally's probability of making 5 in a row would be 3%. Examples freeThrows("75%", 5) ➞ "24%" freeThrows("25%", 3) ➞ "2%" freeThrows("90%", 30) ➞ "4%"
86 Calculate the Missing Value with Ohm's Law Problem Solving Very easy Create a function that calculates the missing value of 3 inputs using Ohm's law. The inputs are $v, $r or $i (aka: voltage, resistance and current). Ohm's law: V = R * I Return the missing value rounded to two decimal places. Examples ohmsLaw(12, 220, "") ➞ 0.05 ohmsLaw(230, "", 2) ➞ 115 ohmsLaw("", 220, 0.02) ➞ 4.4 ohmsLaw("", "", 10) ➞ "Invalid" ohmsLaw(500, 50, 10) ➞ "Invalid"
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